Banks'S Mourning Cacuatus: Photo, Video, Housing And Reproduction

Parrots Uncategorized


Photo: Calyptorhynchus Banksii, Calyptorhynchus Magnificus

Kingdom: Animals

Type: chordal

Class: Birds

Squad: parrot

Family: Kakada

Rod: mourning capacu

Body length 63cm, tail 24 cm; Weight 570—870 g. The male has the main coloring of black; The central feathers of the tails are black, the rest with a wide red stripe in the middle. The beak is dark gray. In the female, the plumage is mainly brownish-black with a large number of yellow spots on the head, neck, medium covering feathers of wings; feathers of the lower abdomen with pale yellow edges. The crest is short, the tail is long. The beak is short, the male has dark gray, and the female has light gray. A near -binding ring without feathers, black. The iris is dark brown. The paws are brown-gray.

Lives in Western, North and North-East Australia.

Inhabit the edges, eucalyptus forests, coastal and mountain forests, tugai, savannahs, thickets of Malgi, tropical forests. Keep in pairs or small groups. They feed on seeds, nuts, fruits, colors, insects and their larvae, cereals, grain, nectar, berries. Feed in the crown of trees, sometimes on the ground.

Nest in hollows of eucalyptus and other trees, preferring growing on the banks of rivers. Nest depth up to 2m. The nest is lined with woody jar or chewed branches. In laying 1—2 eggs. The female hatches the eggs for 30 days, and the male feeds her. Only one chick survives. Chicks are facing at the age of 75—96 days, but for about four months they are fed by parents.

One of the rarest and most expensive birds contained in captivity. Life expectancy for more than 100 years.

Other types of genus «Mourning capacule»:

  • Brown -headed mourning impetus


  • Beloux mourning impetus


  • White -tailed mourning impetus


